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A Livingston Parish man has been sentenced to 50 years in prison and ordered to be physically castrated for raping and impregnating a juvenile, 21st Judicial District Attorney Scott Perrilloux said in a Facebook post Monday afternoon.

Glenn Sullivan Sr., 54, of Springfield, was handed down the sentence by Judge William Dykes after pleading guilty to four counts of second-degree rape, Perrilloux said.

According to Perrilloux, the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office began an investigation in July 2022 when a young woman accused Sullivan of raping her multiple times when she was 14 years old, causing her to become pregnant.

A DNA test ordered during the investigation proved Sullivan had impregnated the woman, Perrilloux said. Detectives learned Sullivan had used threats of violence against her and her family to prevent her from speaking out.

"So many of these types of cases go unreported because of fear," Perrilloux said in the post. "The strength it must have taken for this young woman to tell the truth in the face of threats and adversity is truly incredible."

Email Gabby Jimenez at gabby.jimenez@theadvocate.com.