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How can I keep hope alive this year as an Alzheimer鈥檚 caregiver?

Charles Snyder, psychologist, renowned hope researcher and author of "The Psychology of Hope: You Can Get Here from There," articulates the meaning of hope in his writings: 鈥淎 rainbow is a prism that sends shards of multicolored light in various directions. It lifts our spirits and makes us think of what is possible. Hope is the same聽鈥 a personal rainbow of the mind.鈥

Considering that hope never leaves you, try to imagine that rainbow in your mind and in times of your Alzheimer鈥檚 caregiving, recognize that though you cannot control the present circumstances in your life right now, you can control your response to these circumstances. Hope can strengthen your resolve and accompany you even in your darkest hours and most challenging times.

Alzheimer鈥檚 disease is a truly life-changing illness, and one of the few that certainly can have an impact not just on the one directly afflicted by it, but on their entire family as well. Nurturing hope amid the diagnosis and circumstances might seem like moving a mountain per se, however, hope can be the mechanism not only in dealing with the disease but also in sustaining a quality of life. Self-reflection, coping skills and positive contributions are all ways to build hope during the disease journey. Cultivating hope is an act of resilience.

Hope implies that there is a meaning to what the future holds; the confidence that a higher being or higher level of existence will be present in the future. Hope is linked to trust and meaning and often associated with patience. Hope is very often found when everything else is stripped away and when there seems no logical reason to hope. At the very center of our spiritual well-being is the word HOPE.

Maintaining or nurturing hope can be a natural stress reliever and immune system聽strengthener. It also improves relationships and allows individuals to approach problems with a mindset and strategy to withstand their difficulties. Hope has the potential to enhance well-being over time and individuals with high hope are more likely to view stressful situations as challenging rather than threatening. It can also be a protective barrier against the development of chronic anxiety, and it is related to overall life satisfaction.

To keep hope in your life as a caregiver, visualize it, wake up with a hopeful mantra each day, keep a hope journal, boost your confidence with personal affirmations and practice can attitude of gratitude. Keeping hope alive may at times be difficult as you face many disappointments or setbacks in the Alzheimer鈥檚 disease caregiving journey. Receiving support from trusted family and friends or joining a support group setting can assist with working out these challenges.

Ask yourself, 鈥淲hat brings you hope?鈥 Be intentional and let 2024 be the season of keeping hope alive for you, retaining that 鈥減ersonal rainbow of the mind.鈥